A consistent problem through the game was that my character would start moving one direction and wouldnt respond to any key presses for a while. This doesnt happen when using the mouse. Im assuming there is some problem in the coding that refers to switching between the 2 control types. A way to fix this might be to let the player choose ahead of time which control type they want to use. I can't see any reason someone would want to change control layouts halfway through a long jump.
Although this is a minor glitch it happened at least once every round. Its especially annoying because it often leads to death. It wouldn't be so bad if it made the game unplayable because i wouldn't have made it so far in the game. But it just happens enough to piss me off but still keep me playing.
As jazza said, you do seem to be playing off of toss the turtle's success. I wouldnt mind if u put him in the background somewhere or something but he is one of the better characters. You seemed to design the game so that you would choose the turtle since his extra health is the most useful.
The store item prices weren't adjusted as well as they were in toss the turtle. In TTT the prices increased by alot but the item before it made it easier to make more money each launch. In this, the power ups help a little but not significantly enough to make alot more skulls then prior to getting it. Also there should be more to unlock between the second most expensive thing (3000 skulls) and the most expensive(20,000). This leads to a long boring gap where nothing is unlocked.
I want to give it more but untill these glitchy controls are fixed i cant enjoy it anymore then i did.